Underground Solutions provides infrastructure technologies for water and sewer applications. UGSI's Fusible PVC® products contain a proprietary PVC formulation that, when combined with UGSI's patented fusion process, results in a monolithic, fully-restrained, gasket-free, leak-free piping system. Fusible C-900® and Fusible C-905® both comply with AWWA C900 and C905 respectively and are certified to NSF 61.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

DC Water Elects to Reinforce 36” Water Main with Fusible PVC® Pipe Slipline

The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) is implementing its Long Term Control Plan to reduce sewer overflows from the District’s combined sewer system into the watershed and, ultimately, the Chesapeake Bay. The work under Division E will occur on M Street SE, between 9th Street SE and 14th Street SE, diverting flow from existing combined sewers through a series of 48-inch and 108-inch diameter diversion sewers constructed by tunneling. The 36” Southeast Relief Water Main (SRWM), under M Street, was determined to be in jeopardy due to possible settlement as a result of construction of the diversion sewers. Therefore, structural rehabilitation options were evaluated and designed prior to construction of the new facilities.

Ultimately, the designer, CDM Smith, chose to competitively bid two rehabilitation methods, pressure cured in placed pipe (CIPP) and sliplining. In evaluating sliplining, both HDPE and Fusible PVC® pipe were
investigated. The final decision to specify 30-inch Fusible PVC® pipe was based on both constructability and the need to maintain flow through the rehabilitated line. The comparison of the two pipe choices is illustrated here:

Click on the link below to read the full profile:
Washington DC Water Main - 06.30.14